"If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me."
Psalm 139:9
Guys, I have read the stories. I have cried over the tragedies so many families have faced. Summer is ripe with danger for families of young children, and the fear of just a few unwatched seconds below water fills all of our hearts with sickening trepidation.
It is SO IMPORTANT to be informed, to be hyper vigilant, to invest in swim lessons, to know where your children are even when you're not swimming. . . and to realize, that even when you do EVERYTHING, it can still happen to you, to your family, to your sweet babies. BUT, I think to let that realization cement into a catalyst of fear is a different kind of tragedy.
Fear is paralyzing, debilitating, hindering. . .And not of God. (Joshua 1:9 and James 1:17) While it is important to let those cautionary realities sink into your heart, it is also essential to not let fear overwhelm your courage. (2 Timothy 1:7) There is so much life out there to be shared and enjoyed with your children.
For my birthday, we took our family to the beach for the first time. After living in Europe for three years (two of those years with kids), traveling with our babies in tow is not new to us. We have baby-worn in cathedrals, nursed in castles, and changed diapers just about everywhere; but this was our first water vacation. This was my first time navigating the ocean since I was three years old, and none of my kids have even reached that age.
I was so excited, and so nervous.

But here is the thing. Sometimes it's good do to the things you did before you had kids. Sometimes it's good to modify those things, but not lock them away on a shelf out of reach. If we never step out of our comfort zones, how will our kids learn to? If we let fear of all the "what ifs-" stop us from exploring the adventures life has to offer, how will our kids learn boundaries in the midst of big things? If we don't embrace life courageously, who will they turn to for bravery?

It turns out that the day we went to the beach, an unseen storm was wreaking havoc across the sea, causing the waves to swell and crash against the sand embankment in a loud roar. My son was terrified- at first. But, in small increments, he learned to trust his instincts and his parents.

We took it slow, creating sand barriers and castles beyond the water's edge. And eventually, the frightening first encounter of dipping chubby toes in frothing bubbles transformed into thrilled squeals at the prospect of filling more buckets with water while holding daddy's hand. My son's face beamed at each new shell momma brought him, and while he grew braver, we tangibly witnessed one of life's greatest lessons.
Baby steps make all the difference.

They allow us to experience wonder and beauty. They teach us our limitations while expanding our horizons. They show us where we have been, and where God is taking us.

Trust is often the precursor of victory.
And even while trusting, those steps can be so hard. Sometimes, it's easier to forego adventure to save your nine month old from eating sand and your husband from getting burnt. Sometimes, when the swell overtakes you and your nose drips saltwater in the aftermath, it's easy to want to retreat into safety; into the familiar and known.

But life's lessons don't come from what's known, and taking that trip will mean new memories, new photographs, new experiences. It can mean strengthened bonds, deep conversations, enriched perspectives, tangible life lessons, and utter enjoyment and wonder at the world around us.
Cape May was not our easiest vacation, but it is by far one of my favorite.
Let's live intentionally.
Let's be brave for and with our kids.
You call me out upon the waters The great unknown where feet may fail And there I find You in the mystery In oceans deep my faith will stand
And I will call upon Your Name And keep my eyes above the waves When oceans rise My soul will rest in Your embrace For I am Yours and You are mine
Hillsong: Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)
Much Love,
