It’s not all chaos and chasing,
Not just dismantled shelves and book tossing.
It’s not all cabinet rummaging,
Not all crumby floors and forgotten sippy cups left aging.
It’s not all sleepless nights and blown out clothes,
Not just pillows, blankets, and toys left in droves.
It’s not all teething and tears,
Not just new hurdles and fears.
It’s. . .
Excited “Hi Daddy” squeals.
The constant vrooming of car and truck wheels.
It’s an over-joyed point and proclamation of “ball,”
The pitter-patter of feet at momma’s call.
Days filled with belly button and nose “boops,”
Of sweet baby laughter and kisses for all of the stuffed animal troops.
It’s tiny fingers reaching out for your hand to hold,
The innocent eyes of a trust so bold.
Time filled with snuggles and a hug,
And falling asleep for an impromptu nap on the rug.
It’s newness and discovery at every turn,
Where the smallest of bumps is cause for great concern.
A slew of sweet jabber about books filled with animal pictures,
And the constant whir of a momma’s camera from all of the moments captured.
It’s chubby toes and mismatching socks,
And hefty throws of once tiered blocks.
A tiny participant in every chore,
Handing you clean spoons from the dishwasher, and exclaiming “uh-oh” when items clatter to the floor.
It’s demands for snacks almost every hour,
And dimpled cheeks stuffed with bananas and yogurt, but nothing too sour.
A love that grows daily and knows no bounds,
While playing with dinosaurs and making roaring sounds.
Baths filled with bubbles and rubber ducks,
And sparkling eyes with fistfuls of flowers plucked.
It’s the blur of long days and time gone too fast,
A sweet aching yearning for every moment to last.
It’s a beautiful bond and sweetest of loves,
To care for one of these cherished gifts from above.